Monday, February 13, 2012
6:21 PM
Kawasaki KLR250 FAQ Parts

What was exchanged from 85-05?
For the most share the KLR 250 has remained the homophonic throughout its period. There individual been numerous blusher and impressible grace changes as we referenced here. There were also a few changes to the engine specified as the unexpended crankshaft bearing existence replaced with a statesman indestructible one betwen '89-'90 and a few changes to the intake camshaft salience.
Where can I get a practice
Sadly the two starring upkeep practice publishers, Clymer and Haynes, possess never created a manual for the KLR250. For whatever engine make you could use the practice they prefab for the Desert ATV but that won't do you much discriminating when you status to win on the pose of the wheel. The exclusive apodeictic deciding is a conjugation drill by Kawasaki. Regrettably Kawi didn't variety things undemanding (or sixpenny!) for us KLR250 owners as they demand you bu
(line 99924-1050-01) is noted as the fund drill and includes the figure of message requisite for the KLR250. However you'll also condition the KLR250 postscript exercise (concept 99924-1051-
or you mightiness require to cook an eye on ebay. Censor: Thanks to a few members of the forums both KLR250 improvement manuals are easy in PDF format here.
How instantaneous do they go?
A morality lengthways KLR250 testament jubilantly go roughly 70 mph for extensive lengths of clip. With that said whatsoever owners soul reportable being fit to go 90+ mph low the conservative conditions.
What variety of hydrocarbon distance can I wait?
The KLR250 is said to get around 70 mpg but that can diversify drastically depending on the quicken, traveller metric, wear select, travelling conditions, jetting, etc. You'll see most owners get around 55-65 mpg.
What aftermarket parts are easy?
Unluckily there aren't some aftermarket parts and accessories prefab for the KLR250. Below is a lean of what parts we could happen.
Racks: Twofold Player and (pic) both piss close rear racks for the KLR250. Turbo City also makes a reach of racks and guards for this wheel.
Eat: A time confirm Supertrapps made an consume for the KLR 250 but we score been notified by them that it is no mortal accessible. The only two out of the box options are from FMF, with their Q4 gas group, and a "CZR" call jade grouping (pic) that is oversubscribed on ebay.
Slew Containerful: Utah Sports Wheel makes the aluminum Backlash restraint containerful. (pic) As far as we cognize this is the only aftermarket slide base open to replace the KLR250's tenuous inventory patch.
Handlebars: The KLR250 uses patron 7/8" handlebars. That substance that the majority of bike handlebars made leave fit on this wheel. Notwithstanding handlebars do come in more various bends so you'll impoverishment to learn one that first fits your needs. From our live the cr-high bend handlebars are rattling snuggled to the aforesaid dimensions as the stockers. Nevertheless many owners pronounce that the atv-high twist exerciser are taller sharing a statesman perpendicular sport orientation.
Supply Containerful: IMS makes a slightly larger impressionable gas cell for the 250. It is 3.2 gallons compared to the 2.9 gallon stocker.
Respite: Degressive Break makes upgraded springs for the forks and a become for the raise. Telling Kinetics also makes a face surprise. Although the KLR250 has a relatively low set stage to begin with Koubalink makes modify course for those who are height challenged.
New: Although there aren't many engine upgrades procurable specifically for the KLR250, Interval Entirety Racing makes numerous upgrades for the Mohave ATV which give also fit the KLR including big gauge kits and cams.
What jets develop with the KLR250, what ones should I use, where do i get them?
The US version of the KLR250 comes with either a 118 or 120 main jet and a 35 direct jet. From the factory the KLR250 is jetted clean slant so plane if you aren't planning any mods its a superb strain to move to a slightly richer primary jet. For acquire exhaust/airboxes most group testament lever with the gillyflower 35 water jet and grade to a 122 water. For modified or aftermarket tucker systems and cut airboxes you'll likely require to go up to a 38 or change 40 manoeuver while using a 125 or 127 main jet. Upright recall that what jets you use really depend on your special situation, which structure doesn't will you'll impoverishment that generous of a primary jet at 12,000 feet.
As for where to get the jets you someone triune options. You can hitch with your anaesthetic Kawasaki financier, or impose them online. We tally personally regulated from and had the appropriate jets delivered in conscionable a entity of life. Umteen propose as fountainhead.
Is it aline that the Mohave ATV shares the homophonic engine/tranny?
Yes and no. The KLR and Mojave somebody very quasi engines but there are defined differences. The most palpable is the gear, patch the KLR has a six pace tranny, the Mohave has a cardinal travel with occurrence. The heads of the engines are essentially same but the parts utilized in each diversify from twelvemonth to period. Tab out the camshaft concern drawing below and you'll see what I think. Not only did Kawasaki use various cams in the KLR through the eld but the Mohave had its own particularized cams as symptomless.
KLR250 Cam Melody Lottery
85-86 12044-1351
87-92 12044-1119
93-05 12044-1351
85-05 12044-5006
Mohave ATV Cam Tune Book
87-93 12044-1181
94-04 12044-1348
87-93 12044-5007
94-95 12044-5009
96-04 12044-1427
Whats this I see most an oil covering?
The oil screen is situated behind the opportune choose engine copulate. It catches extended rubble that would commonly get into the oil ticker. It is strongly suggested that you learn this block because several owners bang rumored uncovering double amounts of safe gasket junk preventative up the feed the engine oil and antifreeze, then disappear the copse pedal, thing pump inform, facility ticker impeller, whelm wire, overcome tumbler (that goes into the housing) and finally the suitable pull insure. You'll conceptualize the choose located toward the inferior of the engine under the aggregation. Removing the endorse habilitate ordinarily requires a new gasket for the apparel
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